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The Uinta County Conservation District offers two types of grants; one for natural resource conservation projects and one for outdoor education. Continue reading below for information on the Community Enhancement Grant and the Outdoor Education Grant.

Community Enhancement Grants

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There are many great ideas for conservation projects that could become a reality with a little bit of financial support.  The Uinta County Conservation District offers Community Enhancement Grants of up to $5,000 per selected application for natural resource conservation projects and education. Grant recipients must meet and follow certain criteria.

Projects that address soil erosion, water quality and quantity, vegetation resources, energy conservation, wildlife habitat or that beautify the natural landscape along public corridors will be given priority.  All projects must be completed within the boundaries of Uinta County.


UCCD has seen an overwhelming response from community members to these grants and as a result, many great projects have been completed.  

You may print an application here and mail it to us, or stop by our office at 204 East Sage Street.


Applications are due the second Monday in April of each year.  


Please contact us with any questions you may have.

Outdoor Education Grants

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The Uinta County Conservation District encourages outdoor education. We appreciate educators who are willing to help the youth of Uinta County explore the outdoors.


UCCD offers grants to conservation minded educators for natural resource and agricultural related outdoor education. Applicants can apply for up to $1,000 per outdoor event.  Grant recipients must meet and follow certain criteria.

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You may print an application here and mail it to us, or stop by our office at 204 East Sage Street.


Applications are reviewed monthly at our board meetings.


Please contact us with any questions you may have.


Important Note:   We are a non-enforcement, non-regulatory agency. This means that all of our programs are voluntary and locally led.

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