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Poster Contest

The Uinta County Conservation District, in accordance with National Soil and Water Stewardship Week in April, participates in the National Association of Conservation District’s annual poster contest. This contest is open to kindergarten through 12th grade public and home school students to creatively reflect the current year’s natural resource conservation theme and enter to win a cash prize.

The 2025 National Association of Conservation District's Stewardship Week & Poster Contest
theme is:

Stewardship Week will take place April 27th to May 4th, 2025

Poster Contest Deadline April 30th

Posters must be submitted by 4:00 pm on April 30th. Please drop your poster off at one of the following locations:

* Your school office

* Conservation District office (204 E Sage, Lyman) Mon.-Thur. 8-4

* UWYO Extension office (228 9th St, Evanston) Mon.-Fri. 9-5

Click on the documents below to print a copy of the Poster Contest Flyer & Entry Rules as well as the Entry Form.

NOTE: The Stewardship theme "Home is Where the Habitat is" must be written on the front of your poster in order for it to be considered for judging. A signed entry form must be attached to the back of each poster. Posters must be an original 2-D creation on a flat 22"x28" posterboard; no 3-dimensional objects or printed/copied posters are allowed.*

*Please follow the complete rules on back of flyer and listed below

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2024 poster contest theme.png
The 2024 Stewardship Week & Poster Contest
focused on Forests, with the 

“May the Forest Be with You, Always”

The top posters in each category are as follows:

Grade K-1:

Malinna Allred (Clark Elementary)

Knox Gines (Mountain View Elementary)

Braxton Hansen (Uinta Meadows Elementary)

Grade 2-3:

Annie Lott (Urie Elementary)

Merrik Allred (Clark Elementary)

Griffin Hansen (Uinta Meadows Elementary)

Grade 4-6:

Declan Wirthlin (Uinta Meadows Elementary)

Grade 7-8:

Maddi Revelli (Lyman High School)

Avery Thomas (Lyman High School)

Wyatt Sorensen (Lyman High School)


Participants who placed in their category won cash prizes (1st place $100, 2nd place $50, 3rd place $25). Local first place posters will advance to the state contest held in October. The Uinta County Conservation District would like to congratulate each participant for a job well done. We will host the local poster contest again next spring.

Grade K-1

1st K-1 Allred poster.jpg
2nd K-1 Gines poster.jpg
3rd K-1 Hansen poster.jpg

Grade 2-3

1st 2-3 Lott poster.jpg
2nd 2-3 Allred poster.jpg
3rd 2-3 Hansen poster.jpg

Grade 4-6

1st 4-6 Wirthlin poster.jpg

Grade 7-9

1st 7-9 Revelli poster.jpg
2nd 7-9 Thomas poster.jpg
3rd 7-9 Sorensen poster.jpg
Poster Contest ENTRY RULES


  • Poster Contest is open to all K-12 public, private and home school students in Uinta County WY.

  • Posters must be submitted by 4:00 pm on the deadline date. Please drop you poster off at one of the following locations: 

    • ​your school office

    • the Conservation District office (204 E Sage, Lyman) Mon.-Thur. 8-4

    • the UWYO Extension office (228 9th St, Evanston) Mon.-Fri. 9-5

  • The Stewardship theme must be on your poster.

  • Do not write your name on the front of your poster. Posters with student's names on the front cannot be considered for judging.

  • A signed/completed entry form must be firmly attached to the back of the poster to make it eligible for judging. Entry forms can be found at our website at You can also visit our office at 204 E Sage St in Lyman WY, or email By signing the entry form and submitting a poster you agree that your child’s poster and picture can be displayed on our website or other media outlets for UCCD purposes.

  • Original work must be done on a 22” x 28” poster board; copied/printed posters are not allowed.

  • Posters should be handled so they remain flat for judging; do not roll your poster as rolled posters rarely flatten out.

  • Paint, crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, stickers, paper or other materials may be used to create a flat or two-dimensional effect on regular posters. Three-dimensional objects and computer-generated posters are not allowed.

  • All posters must be created by an individual student rather than a team of students. Limit one poster per student.

  • Although younger students will most likely receive help in planning from parents or teachers, UCCD encourages each student to do as much of the work as possible by him/herself.  Entries completed by students in their handwriting and coloring will score better than those designed, drawn and colored with adult assistance.


  • Judging Categories:  K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

  • Posters are judged on the following criteria:

    • Conservation message (50 percent)

    • Visual effectiveness (30 percent)

    • Originality (10 percent)

    • Universal appeal (10 percent)

  • CASH prizes will be awarded by UCCD for first, second and third place winners in each of the five categories. 

  • Each local first place poster will go to the state competition. State winners will be eligible for NACD National Poster Contest and prizes.

  • The Uinta County Conservation District rules follow the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) rules (for complete NACD rules visit 


The local Poster Contest is open to all K-12 public, private and home school students in Uinta County WY. If you are not a Uinta County student and would like to participate, please contact the Conservation District in your area. 


Awareness can be gained through the investment of your time to research to design a poster on an important conservation issue. Good posters show passion and tell important stories to present and future generations by capturing viewer’s attention with powerful graphics and an inspiring message. The internet or library are great places to visit to come up with an idea for your poster. 

For more information, entry forms or answers to your questions please contact UCCD.


Uinta County Conservation District

204 East Sage St.

PO Box 370, Lyman WY 82937

(307) 288-0214

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