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The purpose of the Uinta County Conservation District's Tree Program is to offer low-cost seedling trees and shrubs, technical assistance and information to Uinta County Citizens to encourage the establishment of conservation tree plantings such as windbreaks, living snow fences, shelterbelts, erosion control, wildlife habitat and other conservation plantings.

UCCD gets one shipment of pre-ordered seedling trees every spring from a nursery in Colorado. Anyone in the county can order seedlings through UCCD. The order forms are available from Oct-Apr each year. For the largest selection it is best to order early as some species sell out quickly. Trees are usually delivered the last week of April.


UCCD does not order extra trees to sell, so if you want trees in the spring, plan ahead and put in an order.

These trees cannot be resold as living trees (the roots must be severed).  The order form must be completed in full and all information be legible.  Payment must be received before seedlings are ordered. Payment can be mailed to the Conservation District or dropped off at the Conservation District office in Lyman, or the UWyo Extension office in Evanston. 

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Order Form


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Nursery Stock provided by

Lincoln Oakes Nursery,

One Canopy, and

Colorado State Forest Service Nursery

Updated February 11, 2025

April 17, 2025 Order Deadline

Check back often as order form may change if nurseries add more species.

"On Hold" means that the nursery has currently paused sales on that species. You can be placed on a waitlist if you would like, contact UCCD.

Available trees for 2025 orders

Scroll through the lists below; click the names for species details. 

Planting Information

Preparation & Planting

Plan Before You Plant


A planting plan should be prepared before trees are ordered or planted.  The planting plan will show the proper location for the planting, the best species for your site, spacing between rows, spacing between trees in the row and the correct number of trees and shrubs needed.  The plan will also point out requirements for proper planting to gain initial survival and how to keep trees in a vigorous growing condition. Contact us for planting plan assistance.

Land Preparation and Spacing

The land should be cultivated and fallowed in the fall prior to planting.  Weed control of the planting is very important to maintain tree survival.  Effective windbreaks and living snow fences can be obtained with 1-3  rows of shrubs and trees with proper design and installation. 

Drip Irrigation Systems for Supplemental Water - Protect Your Investment

Supplemental water will be necessary for at least 3-5 years while plants establish.  Installing a drip irrigation system is a highly recommended moisture conservation technique to help ensure optimum plant growth and deep root establishment.  Some of the benefits of using a drip irrigation system include; only a small area of soil near the plant is wetted, very little water is lost to evaporation.  Most importantly, plants aren’t stressed by the too-wet, too-dry cycle of other methods.

Tree Information

Tree Information

Wyoming State Forestry Division tree resources:

University of Wyoming Extension tree resources:

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